Booster series

Booster series

9 Episodes

The booster series have been designed to offer you a range of workouts to help you achieve a specific fitness objective such as 'reinforcement of the lower back', our first series. The 2nd series will be 'booster for runners'

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Booster series
  • Lower back reinforcement program presentation

    A series of 8 workout to help you reinforce your lower back.
    The first 2 workouts are focussed on flexibility and the 6 other are focussed on reinforcement with a progression in terms of intensity and challenge.
    To achieve the best results, we suggest you follow the order of the classes with 2 c...

  • lower back reinforcement series - week 1 class 1

    Episode 1

    This first class is focussing on mobility and flexility.

    instructor: Tresor
    equipment: a mat

    in this class, you will perform:
    - cat cow,
    - double knee to chest,
    - knee hug,
    - figure 4,
    - clamshell bridge,
    - spinal twist,
    - alt. back leg raises,
    - opposite arm and leg raises,
    - scorpion twist,

  • lower back reinforcement series - week 1 class 2

    Episode 2

    This second class is focussing on mobility and flexility.

    instructor: Tresor
    equipment: a mat

    in this class, you will perform:
    - cat cow,
    - prone extension forearm,
    - prone extension on palms,
    - child’s pose,
    - seated spinal twist,
    - knee hug,
    - spinal twist,
    - standing side bend.

    Meet with Tr...

  • lower back reinforcement series - week 2 class 1

    Episode 3

    This third class will start with lower back reinforcement exercises with moderate intensity.

    instructor: Tresor
    equipment: a mat

    in this class, you will perform:
    - kneeling plank,
    - side plank,
    - back plank,
    - seat up,
    - knee swing,
    - leg lifts,
    - bicycle,
    - heel taps,
    - elbow plank

    Meet with ...

  • lower back reinforcement series - week 2 class 2

    Episode 4

    This fourth class will offer lower back reinforcement exercises with moderate intensity.

    instructor: Tresor
    equipment: a mat

    in this class, you will perform:
    - kneeling plank,
    - elbow plank,
    - side plank,
    - back plank,
    - heel taps,
    - bicycle crunches,
    - russian twist,
    - straight leg crunches,

  • lower back reinforcement series - week 3 class 1

    Episode 5

    This fifth class will offer lower back reinforcement exercises with moderate to high intensity.

    instructor: Tresor
    equipment: a mat

    in this class, you will perform:
    - straight leg crunches,
    - heel taps,
    - leg lifts,
    - leg swings,
    - seated crunches,
    - elbow to knee crunches,
    - kneeling elbow pla...

  • lower back reinforcement series - week 3 class 2

    Episode 6

    This sixth class will offer lower back reinforcement exercises with moderate to high intensity.

    instructor: Tresor
    equipment: a mat

    in this class, you will perform:
    - bicycle crunches,
    - heel taps,
    - leg swing,
    - leg raises,
    - straight leg crunches,
    - side plank,
    - scissors,
    - knee to elbow pla...

  • lower back reinforcement series - week 4 class 1

    Episode 7

    This seventh class will offer lower back reinforcement exercises with an increasing intensity.

    instructor: Tresor
    equipment: a mat

    in this class, you will perform:
    - straight leg crunches,
    - heel taps,
    - leg lifts,
    - leg swings,
    - seated crunches,
    - elbow to knee crunches,
    - kneeling elbow plan...

  • lower back reinforcement series - week 4 class 2

    Episode 8

    This last class of the program will offer lower back reinforcement exercises with a high intensity.

    instructor: Tresor
    equipment: a mat

    in this class, you will perform:
    - open legs crunches,
    - leg lifts,
    - extended arm side plank,
    - bear plank with hip pulses,
    - windshield wiper,
    - knee to elbo...