Trailer 40' Barre Intensity on a Chiloe Archipelago beach in Chile
40' Barre Intensity on a beach, Chiloe, Chile
A 40 min barre intensity routine to get that intense burn and cardio feel and your core on fire.
Equipment: mat, chair, 2 dumbbells
Trainer: Queen
In this video, you will perform:
- cardio warm up : jumping jacks, knee to elbow, squats arms reaching uo, arms punch side to side,
- planks: plank to squat and arms reach, knee tap with one leg extended, plank with one arm extended, forearm plank with saw and side steps, forearm plank with hip dips,
- back: superman, single arm superman, lying prone alternating opposite arm and leg lift,
- arms: biceps curls, biceps curls with reverse lunge, biceps reach and other variations, lateral raises, palm rotations up and down, overhead shoulder press, triceps extension
- legs: plie pulses, one leg in and out, leg lifts, knee bent push heel up, open knee out to side,
- abs and obliques: bridge with knee in to chest, with leg extension, diamond bridge hips up and down, seated crunch arms reach up, crunch hold with alternate leg claps, with arms circle, high crunch toe touch, heel reach, bicycle crunches
- stretch
Meet with Queen at booster transform Zurich, where she coaches the Lagree Method and Barre Intensity.
Follow us on Instagram @boostertransform and @splinter_q
Background photo by David Vives on Unsplash.