30' Lagree on the Micro on a basketball court in Greece
30' Lagree on the Micro on a basketball court
A 30 min intense full body Lagree class performed on the Microformer with a focus on core, muscular strength, and muscular endurance
Equipment: Microformer with front, back platforms, front handles and bungee cable.
Trainer: Tresor
In this video, you will perform:
- legs: floor lunges; carriage kicks; lateral lunges; skaters; elevator lunges and carriage kicks
- core and obliques: wheelbarrow; catfish; saw; bear crawl; teaser; giant wheelbarrow and plank to pike
- arms: bungee triceps extensions; triceps pull downs; one arm sliding kneeling planks
Meet with Tresor at booster transform Zurich, where he coaches the Lagree Method. www.boostertransform.com
Follow us on Instagram @boostertransform and @tqta3
Don’t have a Microformer yet? Visit www.shopmaximumfitness.com to get yours. Use the promo code booster to receive a $50 discount (100$ until 31.01.21) on your purchase. Or contact us at [email protected], if you would like more information.
Background photo by Benjamin Behre